You’re my child: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil

Pastor Mensa Otabil

Thursday 23rd September 2021


Scripture Reading: Psalm 2

I will declare the decree: The LORD has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You. Psalm 2:7

This passage has a direct bearing on the Messiah. It is a verse used several times in the New Testament to affirm Jesus as the Christ. Though the heathen rage and rebel against God’s will, the Lord’s decree overrules their vain imaginations. When the enemy conspired to have Christ crucified, the Father in Heaven laughed. He used what the enemy had planned to dishonour the Son of God as the occasion to showcase His glory.

How good it is to know that God has decreed the fulfillment of His plan, and that man will not hinder God’s working. After the Lord distresses the objectives of the wicked, He affirms His love for His children.

Today, the Lord declares His decree against all rebellious spirits and powers of darkness. Their conspiracy has failed. They failed when Christ rose from the dead. They failed because Christ is exalted above all principalities and powers. Because of what Christ has accomplished for us, we win over all the schemes of the wicked one. That is the decree of the Lord.

On the day when the kings and rulers of darkness thought they had won, the Lord held them in derision. On that resurrection morning, God said to His Son, ‘this day, I have begotten you’. As the Lord did for Christ Jesus, so will He do for all those who are in Christ. Those who are in Christ are the sons and daughters of God.

To you who are in Christ, your Heavenly Father has issued a decree of deliverance in your favour. When people plan for your destruction, the Lord decrees your construction. When they take counsel to sell you, the Lord will ransom you. He does all of that because you are His child; bought by the precious blood of His Holy Son. This day the Lord has sent a decree of goodness in your favour.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I know that you love me with an everlasting love. I am confident in your plans for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

childLiving word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabil