Friday 4th November 2022
Scripture Reading: Psalm 19
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. Psalm 19:9
God’s revelation through nature and through Scripture each has its place. The natural world gives plain evidence of the glory and power of God. God’s law, however, goes beyond that to instruct us on how to live our lives. The fear of the Lord is our response to God’s revelation.
• Reverence for God enables us to live pure lives before Him. The fear of the Lord is clean and enduring. God’s revelation to us is weighty and demands our highest esteem.
The fear of the Lord has to do with the reverence we have for God and the respect we have for His creation. Without it, we would take God’s instructions for granted and they would not be beneficial to us. Fearing the Lord causes believers to obey Him and live righteous lives. It is not a fear intended to make us run from Him. God’s revelation teaches us to demonstrate proper reverence for Him. That must be the human response to God’s instructions.
As Christians, we must live in reverence to God and ensure that we live our lives in a way that pleases Him.
• The judgements of the Lord are true and righteous. God’s judgements are declarations of His will. In His judgments, He reveals how He expects us to govern ourselves as well as how He will judge people on the last day. It is His revelation of what is true and best for His children.
God’s judgments accurately reflect God’s moral will for his people and are an expression of his just character. We can be assured that His judgment will always be in our interest and wellbeing.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, your judgments are true and righteous. You always do what is right for me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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