Sunday 18th June 2023
Scripture Reading: Psalm 19
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
At the beginning of the Psalm, the psalmist showed us how God speaks to us in a general way through His creation. He also led us to appreciate how God speaks to us specifically through His revealed written word.
Now, the psalmist tells us how we should respond to God’s word. After the Lord has spoken to us, what should we do?
In this passage, David prays that his words and thoughts would please God. This takes place as we allow the Word of God to affect our lives. David wanted his words to line up with God’s word.
• The meditations of my heart. God’s word must be in our heart. It must not just be information in our minds but something we meditate on in our hearts. Meditating on God’s word involves thinking and talking about the word. In doing so, we would get to the point where we hear the word in our hearts as God literally speaking to us.
• The words of my mouth. After we have meditated on the word of God, we must speak it out loud. That means the words we speak must conform to the words we have meditated on. When we are in any situation, what we say must reflect our knowledge of God’s word.
• God is our strength and redeemer. God’s word reveals His nature. In His word, we get a clearer view of who He is. One important thing we must know about God is that He is a Redeemer. He delivers the oppressed and restores that which was lost. He rescues us from the difficult situations that confront us.
When we allow God’s word to settle in our hearts, we experience His redemptive power in all areas of our lives.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, I receive your word into my heart. With my mouth, I declare your redemption over my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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