Two siblings, aged 12 and 8, tragically lost their lives in Takoradi after being locked inside a water drum by their six-year-old sister during play.
The heartbreaking incident occurred on January 9, 2025, and was reported to the police at approximately 6:45 PM.
According to sources the mother of the three kids, received a distress call from her grandmother earlier that afternoon, around 3 PM, informing her that the children had been found unconscious in a water-filled drum in the family’s kitchen.
The siblings were rushed to the Takoradi Government Hospital in a bid to save their lives but were pronounced dead upon arrival. Their bodies have since been deposited at the hospital’s morgue for preservation and further investigations.
Preliminary findings from the police indicate that the children were playing in their room before venturing into the kitchen, where they climbed into the drum.
They reportedly asked their younger sister to close the lid, but she was unable to reopen it when they became trapped, resulting in the tragic incident.
The police have commenced investigations to determine the full circumstances surrounding the deaths.