You are very lazy. You play to the gallery, and these antics are what you have been employing ever since you were appointed to head that office.
You major in the minors. You somehow believe that the OSP and your position have been willed to you so you can do whatever you like with them.
Where from this new release about Ken Ofori-Atta? What sense does this make? The man, through his lawyers, has given you the date he would respond to your invitation or summons or whatever you call it.
It is not as though he has reneged on his word for which reason your threats would have been justified. You just want to flex your weak muscles.
In case you think you are the law, you better snap out of your delusions of grandeur. You are not Ghana’s constitution. You are just like everyone else.
Many had hopes in your capabilities to make that office work, but your actions have proven otherwise.
You are a waste on the taxpayer. You have achieved absolutely nothing as the Special Prosecutor. You are just wasting our monies on frivolities.
How much money has been given to you so far for your work? What have you been able to achieve with it?
You are more wasteful in terms of our resources than those you have been accusing of engaging in financial malfeasance.
Have you addressed your mind to the fact that Ken Ofori-Atta has the right not to cooperate with you when he returns from his trip?
For years as SP, not a single case has been successfully prosecuted by you. You just brag through your press conferences and releases.
We are sick and tired of your populist rhetoric about this matter and the many others before it. Stop wasting our money, time and ears with your media antics.
If you have any tangible evidence that Ken Ofori-Atta has done something wrong against the state, you don’t need him to appear before you personally, just go to court with it. We are tired of you, ah!
P.K. Sarpong, Whispers from the Corridors of the Thinking Place.